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Articles tagged with: Human Centric Lighting

Improve Vibrancy and Add Health Benefits with Human-Centric Lighting

Your Clients Demand Homes That Enhance Well-Being and Personalize Their Living Environments

Improve Vibrancy and Add Health Benefits with Human-Centric Lighting

Often overlooked as simply a way to guide you through the dark, the light in a home goes beyond simple illumination. Studies have shown that the quality and quantity of light influence our mood and concentration and, over the long term, can affect rates of diabetes, depression, and some cancers. 

Human-centric lighting brings balance to the day by manipulating and mimicking the benefits of natural light, encouraging better focus and a night of more restful sleep. Recent surveys by building industry groups show that luxury homeowners have a heightened interest in adding wellness to daily living. Your clients want more from their home systems, from eschewing BPA plastics for glass to whole-home air filtration. 

Are you intrigued by the potential tunable lighting has for your Dallas, TX-based clientele? Continue reading below to find out more.