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Articles in Category: Circadian Lighting San Francisco, CA

Looking for a brain hack for more wellness and energy? Discover how circadian lighting by Lutron is helping San Francisco, CA homeowners feel their best. 

Brain Hack: How Circadian Lighting Helps Improve Mental Health

Sleep Better & Feel More Energized with the Benefits of Natural Light

Brain Hack: How Circadian Lighting Helps Improve Mental Health

Do you often wake up feeling sluggish and unmotivated? Need several cups of coffee to get through the day? And when it’s finally night, does your mind spin with worries about tomorrow, and you can’t bring yourself to fall asleep?

You aren’t alone. 62% of Americans reportedly consume coffee every day, while almost half of Americans say they feel sleepy during most of the week. Many factors can contribute to low energy levels, but our circadian rhythm, or internal clock, plays a major part.

What is the circadian rhythm? It’s our biological, internal timekeeper that regulates when we’re alert, tired, and hungry. Sunlight plays a major role in regulating our circadian rhythms, which is why you’ll find yourself waking up earlier on a camping trip. But if we spend too much time indoors under artificial light, our rhythms are thrown off course.

Luckily, smart lighting brands like Lutron have invented new ways to bring the benefits of natural light inside. Circadian lighting, or human-centric lighting, is already being used in homes, schools, and hospitals nationwide.

Could you benefit from a brain hack like circadian lighting? Learn more for your San Francisco, CA home below.