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Home Automation Combines Convenience And Luxury to Bring You The Best in Entertainment And Control


Smart home control is an industry buzzword that can encompass many different systems with dissimilar capabilities. What makes a luxury smart home unique from off-the-shelf offerings?  

True home automation is much more than a collection of devices connected in an ad-hoc manner. While the exponential growth of the Internet of Things (IoT) devices has brought some innovation, they do not create a comprehensive system. Your home is an ecosystem unto itself, where security, lighting, entertainment, climate, and wellness infrastructures are interrelated, none acting entirely on its own. 

Managing and maintaining your Dallas, TX house with a smart home control can enhance your lifestyle with technology that improves your daily life. 

See Also: See What We Do WithHome Spaces!

Sound and Vision 

Entertainment is a vital part of home life; it rewards a hard day’s work. The music and movies we enjoy help us shrug off the day’s stress and complications, allowing us to unwind and recharge.   

Music has been with us for allofrecorded history and quite possibly longer; it is a uniquely human endeavor.  A whole-home audio system provides the ability to connect to this primal passion and fill your house with audiophile-quality music to any or all of the room, creating just the right feeling. Expertly calibrated audio components blend into the architecture with flush mount, small-profile ceiling speakers with paintable grills. There are even options to hide units behind walls, further protecting site lines and design. 

The cinema experience is a special one, a dedicated space devoted to films’ presentation and its magical power. A home theater brings the movie house to your home. The stunning ultra-high-definition 4K video draws you in with millions of pixels, extraordinary contrast levels, and a depth of field that blurs the border between reality and fantasy. The surround sound places you into the action by reproducing every audio nuance of the film, detailing the quietest whisper to the biggest Michael Bay explosions.  

The Light of Your Life

Light is one of the essential elements of your house. Natural sunlight’s effect on our mood, emotional state, and general well-being cannot be overstated.  A lighting system based on human-centric needs can bring a balance to your circadian rhythms, enabling you to be better rested. 

Illumination is more than simply lighting your way in the dark; it can set the mood, create ambiance, and bring focus to the day. Standard lighting integration is often seen only through a utilitarian viewpoint. The result is cool, hard lighting that does little to create a sense of space.  Tunable lighting lets you set the scene with automated presets or controls to change them on the fly. Find the light that suits you. 

Complete Comfort, Any Time of Year

Comfort is key, especially during our Texas summers. Environmental controls that can accommodate our widely varying conditions ensure you are always comfortable. 

We all know that when the weather reports a single temperature in your region, the actual reading will be completely different depending on whether you are in the shade of a tree or an open field. The same effect is in play with your home; it does not heat up or cool uniformly.  

A smart climate control system centralizes monitors sensors segmented into predetermined zones, adjusting only the house sections that need it. Keeping a consistent temperature means you are not walking into a wall of heat in one room and an arctic winter in another. 

Peace of Mind Protection

Your home is a sanctuary, a place where the worries of the world can be held at bay, and you can truly be yourself. A complete security system allows you peace of mind from anywhere in the world. 

You can rest assured that the kids are safe in the backyard or be instantly notified when anyone approaches your front door. Unlock the garage for a delivery or a tradesperson from the bedroom or across town, allowing only the necessary access level. 

Home security is more than being notified of unwanted intrusions; ensuring your home’s infrastructure is running smoothly is just as important. A home automation system can monitorfor leaks in the HVAC, alerts you to excessive moisture build-up in rooms with art, or warns you when the wine cellar gets too hot. 

Are you ready to make your whole-home personalized to your needs? Connect with us today so we can help you turnall of your home controlideas into reality. We look forward to hearing from you soon!

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