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Improve Vibrancy and Add Health Benefits with Human-Centric Lighting

Your Clients Demand Homes That Enhance Well-Being and Personalize Their Living Environments

Improve Vibrancy and Add Health Benefits with Human-Centric Lighting

Often overlooked as simply a way to guide you through the dark, the light in a home goes beyond simple illumination. Studies have shown that the quality and quantity of light influence our mood and concentration and, over the long term, can affect rates of diabetes, depression, and some cancers. 

Human-centric lighting brings balance to the day by manipulating and mimicking the benefits of natural light, encouraging better focus and a night of more restful sleep. Recent surveys by building industry groups show that luxury homeowners have a heightened interest in adding wellness to daily living. Your clients want more from their home systems, from eschewing BPA plastics for glass to whole-home air filtration. 

Are you intrigued by the potential tunable lighting has for your Dallas, TX-based clientele? Continue reading below to find out more. 

See Also: Bring The Night To Life With Landscape Lighting


With remote work and hybrid scheduling becoming more commonplace, having spaces that inspire, invigorate, and improve wellbeing is more important than ever. The magazine UNDARK, part of the Knight Science Journalism Fellowship Program at MIT, agrees, stating:

“Scientists believe that exposure to bright, blue-rich white light during the day and to softer, amber hues at night, helps restore the human body’s natural circadian rhythm, a deeply ingrained, physiological drumbeat that, many experts argue, has been disrupted to ill-effect by our constant exposure to standard incandescent or fluorescent lighting…”

An advanced lighting control system transitions over the course of a day, adjusting the quality and quantity of natural and electric illumination. The control platform works in concert with internal and exterior sensors to manage natural light, adding the sun’s benefit to rooms and the individuals who inhabit them. 


In much the same way that multi-room audio energizes you and sets the mood, LED lighting fixtures opens new dimensions to a room, shaping its appearance. With a nearly infinite spectrum available, the possibilities are endless, generating a welcoming or evocative atmosphere at the touch of a button. 

By applying layers of lighting, a home becomes exotic, perfect for a sunrise meditation session or a late-night gathering of friends and food. Light improves how we live, whether automatically set by a smart home system or with elegant interfaces. The systems allow the homeowner to craft rooms that people want to spend time in, where they look and feel good. 


Are you looking for a partner in design that shares your passion for crafting better living spaces? Start the conversation by calling us at (972) 490-1090 or filling out our contact form to schedule a no-obligation consultation. We look forward to hearing from you!